Sunday, April 10, 2011

G, B, D, A

I tend to get joy from seemingly little things in life. And seeing as how God is by His very nature true joy, I tend to see God in the seemingly little things in life.

A rain drop.



An unexpected "Hello".

A perfectly placed joke.

A smile.

The song of a bird.

Little things...

Today, in a room empty of people, on a piano older than the building it inhabits, I experienced joy- I experienced God.

It wasn't complex by any stretch of the imagination. A simple "G Major" chord. My fingers were resting on the ivory keys as such: my left had on octave G's, my right thumb on the B, my index finger on the D, and I threw an extra A in there just for kicks, played an octave higher by my pinky. It was so simple... Ok, I may have arpeggiated it a little bit, but for that ten second interval in which the chord was resonating among the wooden floored room, I felt the Spirit himself reverberate in my ear drums.

My heart was quieted, my spirit stilled, and my body relaxed. A smile erupted across my face and for at least ten seconds or so, I was in perfect equilibrium.

Find joy by finding God in the seemingly little things. You'll see Him everywhere that you open you eyes, ears, and mind.

-Noel Bryant

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