Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Colorado trip '07

There are 37 chapters in Job that tell of his suffering. Of course Job has a lot to say in his mourning and pain. Then there are his friends who have all sorts of advice and answers for Job as to why this happened and what Job should do about it. Then finally, in chapter 38 the Lord speaks...

"Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
Dress for action like a man;
I will question you, and you make it known to me."
Job 38:1-3

God has some questions for Job and in chapter 40 Job promises silence...

"Then Job answered the LORD and said:Behold, I am of small account; what shall I answer you?
I lay my hand on my mouth.I have spoken once, and I will not answer; twice, but I will proceed no further."
Job 40:3-5

Sometimes, a lot of the time, choosing joy is about shutting up and letting the Lord speak. He might have some questions for you.

The book of Job has come to life for me. Spoken to my Spirit and I concur with Job, "I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted Lord." Job 42:2

My hope is that you will open it up someday soon and read it. It's a beautiful story of a man who lived a life full of days for the Lord.

Choose joy sweet friends, KP

Monday, April 18, 2011


Isaiah 12:3 With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

How can i keep you from swallowing sandpaper
Like dry throats were in style?
I've folded too many fullhouses
To think it's all bad luck
Maybe we're just playing it wrong
Maybe the river's arms just
want to be held back
take a seat in that buckeled wooden bucket
it's time to for us to find out if all's well
In this well
that end's well.
and you'll hold the rope
and i'll let you go, real slow
tug once if you miss me
tug twice if it get's to deep
and you still haven't struck water.
We're gonna find something that's worth it.

So what’s your worth, holy one?
Where's all that life you've been livin' for?
Where's all that gold you been digging for?
Because underneath those empty bones and crooked toes is
just dry dirt and cotton rows
Squint past those big clouds
Look behind those sun rays
That split the sky like telephone lines

I found your treasure
But it ain’t buried underneath your back yard no more
It’s runnin past your chapped lips
It’s drippin off your finger tips
like Beethoven
come back to me
It’s getting too dark outside
And those halogen lamps won’t last forever
Let’s go for a swim in some pond
Passed the city limits signs
No, I don’t want too see your boobies
I just want to be understood
I think we all need to walk naked
and take a peek at how beautiful we are
I think a skinny dip
is sometimes
what the doctor ordered
because sad songs
and smoky bars
don't birth nothing but bad poetry

so strap on your spring time shoes
Let's turn our broken homes to snow cones, baby
I lost my calender last christmas
woke up choking on daisies
But i ain't dead yet
I'm just enjoying the view.
Lay next to me
Let the only blades that dance on your wrist
Be from the ground up this time
let the bees dance on our tongues
Let them do all the talking
I got more than the lions share
Of stories to bare like stillborns
But we’re still alive
We’re still kickin
This life ain’t no picnic
But don’t give it a chance to bury you
The treasure ain’t down there baby
The treasure ain’t down there baby
The treasure ain’t down there baby
Keep your chin up
And your dancing hat on
And your rusty water pale
Waiting for the first sign of rain.
Cause it’s coming like a slow train
It’s blowing like an ocean breeze
And I got an empty shotgun seat
We can roll the windows down
Play hide and seek with the highway
So sit down
Shut up
And hold on tight.


My name is Ryan Hildebrand. I like this blog, and this blog's author. She asked me to write something about joy. I don't write about joy that often so I got pretty excited.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My best friend Summer is in love with a great guy. It's the real deal and I have never ever seen her happier. This makes me happy and hopeful. So here's to love.
As always choose joy, KP

Monday, April 11, 2011

Old Cherokee Tale

One evening, an old Cherokee Indian was speaking to his grandson:

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil--he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good -- he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a long minute, and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Choose joy.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

G, B, D, A

I tend to get joy from seemingly little things in life. And seeing as how God is by His very nature true joy, I tend to see God in the seemingly little things in life.

A rain drop.



An unexpected "Hello".

A perfectly placed joke.

A smile.

The song of a bird.

Little things...

Today, in a room empty of people, on a piano older than the building it inhabits, I experienced joy- I experienced God.

It wasn't complex by any stretch of the imagination. A simple "G Major" chord. My fingers were resting on the ivory keys as such: my left had on octave G's, my right thumb on the B, my index finger on the D, and I threw an extra A in there just for kicks, played an octave higher by my pinky. It was so simple... Ok, I may have arpeggiated it a little bit, but for that ten second interval in which the chord was resonating among the wooden floored room, I felt the Spirit himself reverberate in my ear drums.

My heart was quieted, my spirit stilled, and my body relaxed. A smile erupted across my face and for at least ten seconds or so, I was in perfect equilibrium.

Find joy by finding God in the seemingly little things. You'll see Him everywhere that you open you eyes, ears, and mind.

-Noel Bryant

Friday, April 8, 2011

If you are lost with no direction, don't freak out... just enjoy it. Choose Joy!
- Jared Brown

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hello...I am posting on Choose Joy! because the girl who created it inspires me to do just that, to choose joy. At this point in time, I have so many questions and no answers. I used to be filled with life, getting excited about even the little things. Now, my days are filled with hopelessness and pain. I'm frustrated and don't understand any of what is going on. Even as I write about the unexplained sorrow in my life, tears are rolling down my cheeks. I got up this morning and for a little while my prayers of hope, of fulfillment, and happiness had been answered in the simplest way...

(these are the flowers that the special boy sent me when I was having a bad day...if he were to send me flowers for every bad day I have, I could start a flower shop..don't ask me why he loves me)

"Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you."-Matthew 6:28-30

Today my hope came in the form of a simple tulip.

Some days it comes from the clicking noise of my rode bike as it moves along the pavement...
during these times I am able to leave all of the darkness behind with every pedal...

my hope comes just before the fall of night too, during sunsets when God shows His true colors,
trying so desperately to capture its beauty, but a blurry picture cannot compare with the type of invitation the Lord gives you when you gaze upon His setting sun with your own eyes...

My hope comes in rainbows that stretch from heaven down to this dreary, broken world...

and other days when I don't feel up to talking to anyone and all seems lost, hope takes me by surprise and is revealed through garrett hulls wonderful smile and playful laughter...

Right now my world is up and down,depressing,confusing,and painful,but it is Not Hopeless ...many keep telling me that it won't always be like this. Some days I find this hard to believe, but in some moments I find it hard not to believe. My hope comes in glimpses and in moments. Eventually those moments will become more plentiful to where I can string them together and be able to choose the joy that I long for.

I must keep believing that one day I will be able to do exactly what Kate inspires me to do
Choose Joy!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have a blessed day.

When life throws you in the middle of some storms.... Choose Joy

Almost Famous: One of my favorites

Watch a great movie... WITH A FRIEND. Being alone is great but there is nothing better than having someone to lean into.

Make a great mix and go run.

Draw a little something.
(drawing given to me one birthday by my good friend Jared Brown)

Write letters.

Rome. Summer of 09
Buy some new tunes....I am loving Noah & The Whale's new album

"Life goes on. What you you don't have now will come back again.
You got heart."

That is all.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello friends! I'm a friend of Kate's from over at awake, where I recently posted my thoughts on the importance of making a conscious effort to be happy. I've realized lately that for me, happiness is often found in the simple, little things that make each ordinary day just a little bit brighter, like...

Waking up warm and cozy

A good laugh

Sunshine, especially in a patch on the kitchen floor (or beaming through a photograph)

Sloppy, messy, gross-but-adorable puppy kisses

The subtle but delicious smell of pancakes

A quick kiss on the way out the door

Successful baking ventures

Using silly faux-curse words (like "fricken-frack")

Hot (and pretty!) coffee

Having enough change in your car cup-holder to buy a Coke

Places that are just as beautiful when remembered with photographs

Kind words from kind friends

Even numbers

A good bottle of wine

I hope you figure out what makes you happy and stick to it. Discover the little (and big!) things that make each day a little brighter. And hold onto them particularly when they're needed.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here we go folks! The whole point of this blog is to be encouraged, put away your doubts and worries, and choose joy!

¡Cosas que me dan vida!
Things that give me life!

Hearing, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Learning, the Culture, and the People. All things Spanish I LOVE IT!

"The bond that links your true family, is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life." -Richard Bach

Friends. My sisters in Christ who love me, fight for me, and teach me every day.
Thick as thieves.

Young Life.
Which was described to me last week by a high school friend with these three words: "Crazy, different,..rave" Nuff said.

So there is a brief glimpse into what gives me life and joy on a daily basis. What has God blessed you with? What gives you life?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

the beginning.

backpacking in CO 2007

My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26
I say I believe this with my whole heart but sometimes there are whole days where I don't choose joy! God has blessed me with too much to not choose His plan over my selfishness every single day so this is my official declaration to the world: I choose joy!