Hello...I am posting on Choose Joy! because the girl who created it inspires me to do just that, to choose joy. At this point in time, I have so many questions and no answers. I used to be filled with life, getting excited about even the little things. Now, my days are filled with hopelessness and pain. I'm frustrated and don't understand any of what is going on. Even as I write about the unexplained sorrow in my life, tears are rolling down my cheeks. I got up this morning and for a little while my prayers of hope, of fulfillment, and happiness had been answered in the simplest way...
(these are the flowers that the special boy sent me when I was having a bad day...if he were to send me flowers for every bad day I have, I could start a flower shop..don't ask me why he loves me)
"Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you."-Matthew 6:28-30
Today my hope came in the form of a simple tulip.
during these times I am able to leave all of the darkness behind with every pedal...
my hope comes just before the fall of night too, during sunsets when God shows His true colors,
trying so desperately to capture its beauty, but a blurry picture cannot compare with the type of invitation the Lord gives you when you gaze upon His setting sun with your own eyes...
My hope comes in rainbows that stretch from heaven down to this dreary, broken world...
and other days when I don't feel up to talking to anyone and all seems lost, hope takes me by surprise and is revealed through garrett hulls wonderful smile and playful laughter...
Right now my world is up and down,depressing,confusing,and painful,but it is Not Hopeless ...many keep telling me that it won't always be like this. Some days I find this hard to believe, but in some moments I find it hard not to believe. My hope comes in glimpses and in moments. Eventually those moments will become more plentiful to where I can string them together and be able to choose the joy that I long for.
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