Hello friends,
How does an ENTIRE SUMMER fly by before you can even catch your breathe...This has been a memorable summer of growth for me and I do not want to ever forget it. I don't know about you but I am constantly surprised when the Lords plans differ from mine even though it happens on a day to day basis. The way this summer played out was a true testament to that and I am so glad that His way is better.
Lubbock and Palo Duro Canyon...

My best friend Rachel Cline dropped back into my life for a few weeks and we got to have a few adventures together before we both embarked on our own... This picture is from the Holi celebration on campus. We ate Indian food and celebrated color..Happy Holi. You can follow Rachel's adventures on her blog:
She just made the permanent move to San Francisco to work at the YWAM base there. I am so proud to be her friend.

Celebrating one of my best friends 22nd at Palo Duro Canyon riding horses and laughing a lot! Lindsay is now in the Dallas area exploring fun options and starting a grand new adventure. I keep reminding myself that as your best friends move you just get to take more road trips!
Also, if you are a girl and you live in Lubbock you know of Lullaby Lubbock! Well Lullaby Lubbock got wind of Lindsay's b-day and gave her a shout out on the blog..Check it out! http://lullabylubbock.blogspot.com/2011/05/its-someones-special-day-today.html

Team MHS
No better way to finish up the school year than in Buena Vista, Colorado... I got to spend a week in the Rocky Mountains getting Frontier Ranch ready for hundreds of our high school friends. Work Weeks purpose is to get the Young Life camps prepared, manicured, and perfect so that campers can get up there and have the best week of their lives. God has definitely ordained Frontier Ranch to be a Holy place and working there for a week was nothing short of a blessing.
Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Before and After
Never take a place to call home for granted.
I got to celebrate my 22nd birthday here...I mean WOW!

Valeria and I had a great time singing and playing together! It was so refreshing and exciting to get to speak a lot of Spanish!

Skate Night at Concrete Jungle
I do not have adequate words for what this mission trip meant to me because it was unlike any experience I've ever had. Simply put, the Lord showed off for a few weeks and I learned that I have a lot more to learn. It's a valuable lesson that I need to be reminded of and I am thankful that the Lord gives me grace in this area every day. We built this house together as a team for a great family that will use it as a safe place to grow and bless others. It was so much fun to spend time with each other, with our new friends in Puerto, and to see old friends like the staff at Concrete Jungle. Check out their blog here:
The ministry that we partnered with, Concrete Jungle, does a great job at serving others for His names sake. I cannot wait to go back.
Lubbock, TX

Sunday Lunch at Home Cafe with the girls.
Alicia's Bachelorette party

Josh and Elise Hurst's Wedding

Alicia's Wedding (I cannot believe my freshman roommate is married!)
Yes, this is real. This just goes to show how crazy ridiculous small town Texas football really is.
My little brother Clynt after a scrimmage against Fredricksburg.
In case you were wondering...Marble Falls killed them! So proud of my little bro.
Photo booth night with my YL girls at the Broken Post!
No telling what you will find in the skit closet...
Lubbock, TX
The vast majority of my summer was spent in Lubbock, TX taking a brutal summer math class that I put off for seven years. Aside from school my summer was spent at weddings, saying goodbye to friends, making very hard decisions, and continuing to live life along side the people I love here in West Texas. I am twenty two now and the decisions I made this summer concerning my future reflected that I really am getting older. I will say that although I am excited for what this year holds; I have never been more content and excited for the here and now. Along with school and a part time job at a florist, which is a blast, I get to work part time for Young Life, which in my opinion makes me the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. It is going to take some juggling but there is no doubt in my mind that for now I am exactly where I need to be. Please pray for balance and time management, a growing desire for the Lord, and my time spent building relationships with my friends at MHS.
Choosing joy and really enjoying it,
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