I recently attended a subsitute orientation where God had a word for me....Yes I know God works in strange ways but it sure made that orientation a hell of a lot more interesting! I was sitting in this room filled with dissapointed student teachers waiting for real jobs and settling on substitute teaching aka (babysitting) when my friend Austin walked in. We hadn't talked all semester so like any two friends would do we gave each other a very brief overview of each others lives. (And by this I mean we talked about our student teaching experience because that was our LIFE for the semester). After the orientation we were walking out and Austin stopped me and says, "I just feel like I really need to tell you this story for some reason, its been on my heart since we both got here." I'm thinking YES!!!! because recently I have had more than a few people just randomly share their hearts with me so I just KNEW something awesome was about to happen. He told me about a story about the disciple Philip. I encourage all of you to read this story straight from the Word, it is in Acts 8:26-40 (but for right now just read this little gem)
An angel of the Lord came to Philip and told him to go South. Philip rose immediatly and without question started heading South until the Holy Spirit stopped him and gave him another direction. The Holy Spirit told him to go to the chariot in front of him and talk to the man in it. Philip RAN to the chariot and began to have a conversation with the Ethiopian man in the chariot. The man was reading this passage out of Isaiah:
"Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he opens not his mouth. In his humiliation justice was denied him. Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth."
Philip asked the man if he understood what he was reading and the man humbly replied "How can I unless someone guides me?" So Philip and the man went through the scripture and the mans eyes were opened. Slowly they came up to some water and the man asked if he could be baptized. Philip baptized him in the name of the Father the Son and The Holy Spirit and as soon as he did the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away. God did not give Philip all the directions before the journey. He simply told Philip to go south, and Philip obeyed. I am thankful that Austin shared this story with me because sometimes we need to be encouraged to just Go South. Philip didn't ask a million questions about the way there or what was coming next he simply CHOSE to trust the Holy Spirit's guidance in his life. Take a leap of faith and rejoice.
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